We Love Elizabeth Taylor — The Quintessential Bride…

MGM Productions — 1950 If you haven’t seen the 1950 production of Father of the Bride starring Elizabeth Taylor, you must! It is a charming movie, to say the least. The 1991 version was always a favorite of mine growing up, and when I discovered the 1950 version a few years back, my husband and I had to stay up half the night to watch it. The movie was a hit, with Elizabeth’s dress reportedly designed by Helen Rose, influencing bridal gown trends in the early 50’s. http://pasttrends.fuzzylizzie.com/hollywood.html The world said good-bye to an icon of American cinema, and she will be missed…but her memory lives on in her many films, including this American classic…here’s the trailer… Trailer for Father of The Bride 1950 Rest in Peace, Elizabeth Taylor…   Kati Hime, Editor editor@wyolifestyle.com LINK BACK TO OUR WEBSITE: www.wyomingweddingsonline.com OR OUR SISTER PUB, WY LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE: www.wyolifestyle.com